Your position: Street Map > "B" Cities > BASILDON > "C" Streets >

List of streets in BASILDON with first letter C

Click on street name to see the position on BASILDON street map. In list you can see 125 streets.

Number of streets (without repeated street names - if some street have more then 1 postcode): 119 street names.

Cadogan Terrace (1)
Caister Drive (1)
Calvert Drive (1)
Calvinia Close (1)
Cambridge Close (1)
Camelot Gardens (1)
Cannon Court (1)
Canterbury Close (1)
Capelston (1)
Carisbrooke Close (1)
Carlisle Way (1)
Carlton Road (1)
Carol Close (1)
Carol Court (1)
Carte Place (1)
Cashmere Way (1)
Castle Walk (1)
Cathedral Drive (1)
Cattawade End (1)
Cattawade Link (1)
Cavendish Way (1)
Cecil Drive (1)
Chalice Close (1)
Chalk End (1)
Challock Lees (1)
Chalvedon Avenue (1)
Chalvedon Square (1)
Chancel Close (1)
Chantry Lane (1)
Chaplin Close (1)
Charleston Avenue (1)
Charleston Court (1)
Charlton Close (1)
Charterhouse (1)
Chaseway End (1)
Chatfield Way (1)
Chatham Pavement (1)
Chatterford End (1)
Chenies Drive (1)
Cherrydown West (1)
Chesham Drive (1)
Cheshunts (1)
Chester Hall Lane (1)
Chester Way (1)
Chesterford Gardens (1)
Chesterford Green (1)
Chestnut Road (1)
Chevers Pawen (1)
Chichester Close (1)
Chilham Close (1)
Chittock Gate (1)
Chittock Mead (1)
Chorley Close (1)
Church Lane (1)
Church Mews (1)
Church Park Road (1)
Church Road (6)
Claremont Drive (1)
Claremont Road (1)
Clarence Road (1)
Clarendon Road (1)
Clavering (1)
Clay Hill Road (2)
Clayburn Circle (1)
Clayburn End (1)
Clayburn Side (1)
Claydon Crescent (1)
Cleveland Road (1)
Clickett End (1)
Clickett Hill (1)
Clickett Side (1)
Clifford Close (1)
Clifton Road (1)
Clopton Green (1)
Clover Close (1)
Cobden Walk (1)
Coburg Lane (1)
Cockerell Close (1)
Codenham Green (1)
Codenham Straight (1)
Collingwood Road (1)
Collingwood Terrace (1)
Collingwood Walk (1)
Colne Place (1)
Compton Walk (1)
Convent Close (1)
Cooks Green (1)
Coombe Drive (1)
Coopersales (1)
Copdoek (1)
Copperfields (1)
Coppice Lane (1)
Corfe Close (1)
Cornwall Road (1)
Corona Road (1)
Cotelands (1)
Cottis Close (1)
Courtney Park Road (1)
Cowslip Mead (1)
Cranes Farm Road (1)
Craylands (1)
Creek View (1)
Cressells (1)
Crest Avenue (1)
Cricketers Way (1)
Cromer Avenue (1)
Cromer Close (1)
Crompton Close (1)
Cross Green (1)
Cross Road (1)
Crouch Street (1)
Crown Avenue (1)
Crown Close (1)
Culverdown (1)
Cumberland Drive (1)
Curlew Crescent (1)
Curling Tye (1)
Curling Walk (1)
Czarina Rise (1)

Number beside street name means that street have more than one data (for example postcode).


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